Does it actually output smoke?
No. We refer to it as "smoke in a can" because it behaves like smoke on demand, from a spray can. It doesn't pour out smoke like conventional smoke emitters. Rather it creates a super fine, colourless mist that sits in the air and you need light to see this smoke / haze or fog effect.
How do you use this product?
Using diffusion-fx is easy!
Here are some steps and some tips:
1. shake the can well (so the liquid is activated)
2. spray the mist into the air for about 15-30 seconds depending on the scene and the area size you need to spray into
3. waft the haze around with your hands or such so it thins out – this removes the “whisky” smoke look and highlights light best.
4. take your photos!
5. repeat the spray process if more smoke is necessary.
* The smoke works best with strong, undiffused backlight – either natural or artificial. Side- lighting has a more subtle effect. At some angles you may not even see the effect. Move around and find your best angles especially when using natural light indoors.
* This product really works best in a no-wind environment. Check there is no ventilation – air con, fans etc around as this will send the smoke away. It can be used outdoors just pick areas without much wind or dual wield a few cans simultaneously!
* Get creative with some coloured Gels over Flash and continuous lighting.This will change the colour of the smoke to whatever colour you like!
What is the difference between the v2.0 and the mini?
The v2.0 is our revised can from our earlier range. The main difference is it features a different black horizontal nozzle. This nozzle puts out almost twice as much spray than the vertical lock-down nozzle and is better for outdoors or applications that require more volume.
The mini features a super fine misting nozzle which outputs slower and is better suited for smaller areas and less volume.
We split the range into two because some people wanted more output and others liked less output.
Yes in most circumstances. But it depends on how much is used and the size of room / ventilation etc.
However some venues etc have less sensitive smoke detectors (for fireworks and pyrotechnics) which wont be an issue. We recommend checking if the smoke detectors are localised (single units) or wired into a grid - whereby sometimes the only way to shut them off is when the Fire Department come and turn them off!
What is the difference from v1.0 and v2.0?
Simply the nozzle is different and the label has been revised with clearer instructions.
Where is diffusion-fx made?
Diffusion-fx is the only Australian Made product of its nature, made locally in NSW. It is licensed to use the familiar "Australian Made" logo via AMC.
Can you fly with this product?
This is an aerosol product with a Flammable Gas 2 classification, UN No 1950. Most carriers will not allow it in either carry-on or checked in baggage. It can be transported around Australia via Road Service.
Does it set off smoke alarms?
Yes in most circumstances. But it depends on how much is used and the size of room / ventilation etc.
However some venues etc have less sensitive smoke detectors (for fireworks and pyrotechnics) which wont be an issue. We recommend checking if the smoke detectors are localised (single units) or wired into a grid - whereby sometimes the only way to shut them off is when the Fire Department come and turn them off!
Is is safe for the environment / people?
diffusion-fx is a clear, non-toxic and food-safe spray.
diffusion-fx is made up of the majority of propellant – Butane / Propane. Which is the most common propellant in aerosol production. The same propellant in your standard hairspray, sunscreen, air fresheners and other household sprays.
Aerosols these days are CFC free and have – “a negligible greenhouse effect” – Dr Paul Fraser, CSIRO
Our only atomised ingredient is FOOD-safe Mineral Oil (NSF-1 registered supply). This is the purest, most refined variant of Mineral Oil and is used in food preparation / food packaging, food processing all over Australia. Our mineral oil is carcinogenic free, and has no links to detrimental health concerns as voiced with less unrefined / impure oils used in industry and some cosmetic applications.
You can buy diffusion-fx knowing that it complies to Australian Standards and has been sourced from Australian sources. (unlike our competitors foreign products)
Why not use a Smoke bomb or fog machine?
Of course you can use these also. Some of our distributors sell both! The can, can go where you can't take a heavy fog machine. They require power, are heavy, take time to heat up and cool down. Smoke emitters also generally burn hot and aren't wonderful to use inside and in enclosed environments. So the spray is a compact, easy and quick alternative to both of these.
How should you store it?
diffusion-fx is a “highly flammable” aerosol product, please store in environments under 50’C. Do not pierce or incinerate cans even when empty.
It is important to remember, as with any aerosol product:
Aerosols must be kept away from heat, extensive sunshine, window sills, heaters, ovens, barbeques and any ignition source (e.g. candles or pilot lights).
Never keep aerosols in cars because temperatures can rise quickly even on cool days.
Do not pierce or burn aerosols, even when empty – they may explode.
Do not spray near a naked flame, fire or source of ignition.
Do not smoke when using an aerosol or immediately afterwards.
Store in a cool, dry area. Damp conditions should be avoided to prevent corrosion.
Do not allow them to freeze in cold weather.
How long does a can last?
Our diffusion-fx v2.0 225g can lasts up to 5.5 minutes of continual spray. This is long enough to fill a room many times over and the haze will linger around for hours if undisturbed.
Our diffusion-fx mini 120g can lasts up to 5 minutes of continual spray.
To remove the effect - just ventilate the working area and the airflow will carry it away. (hey have you ever burnt dinner? same same
Lock down nozzle
our diffusion-fx mini comes with a nozzle which locks down into place and allow for unassisted output. This is handy for leaving in a scene or throwing up smoke behind subjects without an assistant.
You can spray short bursts unlocked or lock the nozzle down with a firm press. Once is it locked down it can be unlocked with some manual force. If you struggle to do this with your fingers you can use a key or such.
It is normal to see some white residue accumulate around the nozzle venting hole after time. This is due to the accelerant cooling down the oil vapour. This can be wiped away easily. You also may notice condensation and the can being cool to touch after continual use. This is also normal and happens to all accelerant based aerosols.
Is this product barcoded?
Both sizes of can feature a unique EAN 13 bardcode which is ready to be put into any POS / Inventory system.
Who makes diffusion-fx?
diffusion-fx was created by an Australian photographer. The label contains text "created by THE EFFECTS COMPANY" which is now distributor non-specific.
Do you ship outside Australia?
diffusion-fx is only available in Australia. We sell via our distributors here. We don’t have any desire to export overseas.
Does it leave any residue?
diffusion-fx is oil based and will leave fine residue on surfaces when sprayed in concentration (just like a hairspray). It can leave a slick on floors / surfaces so please be careful – especially on camera lenses and sensitive equipment. Normal working should have no issue. But we don't advise spraying directly into a lens!
Does is stain?
The spray is clear and liquid based. It does not stain or discolour fabrics / environments.
How is it transported?
Our distributors sell it in store or ship it via selected couriers via Road Transport only. Overnight services interstate are not available.
Is it coloured?
No, the can outputs a sheer mist which is colourless. You can create coloured smoke by using gelled flash or lighting and pushing it through the smoke like shown here. It is not available in colours.
Is it flammable?
All aerosols using a propellant are flammable. The ingredients dispersed are NOT flammable. Please keep away from naked flames / sources of ignition as it is classified as “highly flammable” classification 2.
Is it harmful?
Small amounts ingested via normal usage is harmless without adverse effects. We don’t advise spraying directly at your face. If prolonged concentrates are ingested please seek medical attention. As the same with any aerosol product.